Guidance on writing an essay.
In addition to the general assessment criteria you have already received the following is guidance on how to construct an essay.
An easy way is to use the PIP method.
Problem What is the Problem/s? Usually the most difficult to outline clearly.
Information- Which information do I need ?
Plan What is the plan/conclusion which flows from this?
More formally an essay structure can be stated thus
Evidence/ Arguments/Proposition/Conclusions.
Abstract concept/Proposition/Arguments/Evidence/Conclusions
The essay can be qualitative or quantitative.
You do not include any of the following in an essay headings, sub headings, abstract, executive summary, table of contents.
Introduction draft not the final version.
Clearly outlines/delineates the main issues involved.
Explain why these issues are important.
Say who is affected.
Set out the various propositions eg Euro workers are a bit lazyâ€
You can set up the straw man†here outlining the case against which you are arguing.
Eg the European workers are too well treated and not productive enough because
NB One good tip is to sketch out a draft Intro but write the final version after you have finished the main body of the essay.
Main body of the essay.
Clearly outline of the main relevant facts.
Paragraph on each of the points issues (or limbs) of your straw man
Clarity of argument.
Structure of argument.
Try to show awareness of theory you should be able to draw this from your reading.
Competent awareness of concepts. Eg productivity can be measures several ways, efficiency†is not a fixed idea.
Relates the issues to questions set stay on the issues and question set..
Outlines implication/s of alternatives for EU.
Reviews relevant evidence.
Conclusions follows on from evidence and arguments.
Returns to main issues raised initially in your introduction.
Ending Try to end with a flourish which summarises the essay eg The EU continues to integrates but does so by stumbling from crises to crises. As it is presently constituted it can do no other.â€
Hint Write the introduction last.
Put like this, above, it may look more difficult than it is. Remember, try to ask simple questions. Keep the big picture†in mind try not to get lost in details. Each paragraph should make a point including evidence and/or an illustration. If in difficulties summarise to yourself what it is you are trying to say return to your essay plan.
If you still feel you are having difficulties ask the lecturer.
Remember when writing an essay
This must NOT be presented in a report format ie No headings. No bullet points. No lists
You are reminded that you MUST NOT lift or copy from websites and that all your sources must be acknowledged.
The words of others must all be put in quotation marks giving the page and author which must then be linked to your references.
Web references must give the full page reference.
The essay MUST be written in your own words.
Keep your sentences short and clear.
Keep the subject consistent.
Peter McLoughlin
Module Leader
C:/WORK/NRM602/Addignments/ Essay guidance