The Endocrine system: diseases and age-related changes

BASF Case Study Academic Essay
August 23, 2020
: Information Handout for Individuals with Intellectual Disability, plus Justification Document
August 23, 2020

The Endocrine system: diseases and age-related changes

The Endocrine system: diseases and age-related changes
Research each of the following and write a paragraph describing the endocrine gland, hormone, target tissue, symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
• Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
• Cushing’s disease
• Addison’s disease
• Acromegaly
• Cretinism
• Overuse of anabolic steroids
• Oophorectomy
• Orchiectomy
• Falling levels of male hormones in aging males
• Falling levels of female hormones in aging females
• Oxytocin and its role in survival

Required Resources
ITT Tech Virtual Library (if possible)

Submission Requirements
11 paragraphs