The Effects of the Church of England on Western World

Computer Literacy Week 2 Discussion
October 14, 2020
October 14, 2020

The Effects of the Church of England on Western World

Topic: The Effects of the Church of England on Western World

Description: [?]Preferred language style: English (U.S.)You are to write a 10-12 page paper1 about any topic you like, and

demonstrate in the course of

the paper how Western religious heritage has shaped the topic you have

chosen. For example, you could

pick education as a topic and write a paper on how our religious

heritage has shaped education in the

west (hint: you are attending a United Methodist affiliated school).

Some topics will be easier than others,

and the relative ease of the topic will factor in to how you are

graded. That is, you’ll get a good grade if

you can demonstrate how art has been affected by our religious

heritage. You’ll get a very good grade if

you can demonstrate how our political systems have been affected by

our religious heritage. You’ll get a

great grade if you can demonstrate that sports or automotive design

are influenced by our religious


This is the paper prompt for my religion class.

I want to write about the impact of Church of England on the west. I
need you to write about the history of the church and how it affected
the life on the west. I need you to write a 10-page paper.

I will upload a sample paper for you. Please follow the paper style not subject.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I am an international student. Therefore, the
professor will not expect a super perfect paper, in terms of grammar,
from me. Please try not to use a complex grammatical style. However,
the paper should appear as a student work. But try to keep it simple
but sophisticated as much as you can.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This professor is extremely harsh when it comes
to plagiarism. PLEASE make sure not to plagiarize in any means.

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