The effects of desiccation and temperature on the behavior of Armadillidium Vulgare in many different microhabitats.

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The effects of desiccation and temperature on the behavior of Armadillidium Vulgare in many different microhabitats.

The effects of desiccation and temperature on the behavior of Armadillidium Vulgare in many different microhabitats
Isopods are part of the phylum Crustacea and the class Malacostraca. The isopods are also recognized by the name pill bugs, or potato bugs (Hickman, 2012). Pill bugs are dorsoventrally flattened, and they lack a carapace and have sessile compound eyes (Hickman, 2012). The evolution of an aquatic life to one that is primarily on land required a lot of adapting and many environmental challenges. One adaptation that many Arthropods have is a waxy layer that helps protect them from dehydration