The effect of weight on finger twitches

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April 18, 2020
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April 18, 2020

The effect of weight on finger twitches

How does the contraction time of a typical finger twitch compare to the relaxation time?

Exercise 2: The Effect of Weight on Finger Twitches.
1- Discuss how do the amplitudes of the finger twitches with different weights compare to each other?
2- Why did the amount of work decrease when heavier weights were used?
3- Is there any correlation between the weight moved and the contraction or relaxation times of the twitches?

Exercise 3: Stimulus-Response.
1- At which stimulus current did the finger first show a twitch? Why didn’t a finger twitch occur at a lower stimulus current?
2- How does the finger twitch amplitude increase when the stimulus current is increased?
3- Is there a stimulus current at which the amplitude of the finger twitch is maximized?
4- Above a certain stimulus current, the amplitude of the finger twitch no longer increases. Why does this happen?

Exercise 4: Summation and Tetanus.
1- At which frequency did summation first appear? At which frequencies does incomplete tetanus occur? At which frequency did complete tetanus first occur?
2- How much greater than the amplitude of a single twitch is the amplitude of the tallest twitch during summation or incomplete tetanus?
3- How much greater than the amplitude of a single twitch is the amplitude of complete tetanus?
4- After the stimulator is turned off, the relaxation time after tetanus is much longer than relaxation time after a single twitch. Why?
5- What is the name for the decrease in the level of constant tension that occurs during tetanus?