The Economic Crunch” and “Meet the Twixters.

Analysis of perspectives
March 30, 2020
Discussion Post**Scarlettutor only***
March 30, 2020

The Economic Crunch” and “Meet the Twixters.

Paper instructions:
•    You will write four annotations that will help you towards writing your research essay.
•    Two annotations will be on the essays read for class, “The Economic Crunch” and “Meet the Twixters.”
•    Three additional annotations will be on essays you will research for your Research Essay project. These essays must discuss the economic situation of the

young today.

Write a two paragraph annotation on the essays read in class. Your annotation should:
•    Be two paragraphs long, altogether no more than one page, in 12pt, Times New Roman.
•    First Paragraph should describe the essay. Description includes:
o    Name of the author, title of the essay, and publication information
o    Summarize the essay and describe what is the thesis and what the author is trying to convey.
•    Second paragraph should evaluate the essay. Evaluation includes:
o    Your opinion of the essay. Is the essay convincing, why or why not?
o    If you think the essay will be useful to your research project.