The discipline of innovation.

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The discipline of innovation.

eading Drucker, P. F. (1985). The discipline of innovation. Harvard Business Review, 63(3), 6772. Nonaka, I. (2007). The Knowledge-Creating Company. Harvard Business Review, 85(7/8), 162171. Alperovitz, G.[Pin It]ReadingDrucker, P. F. (1985). The discipline of innovation. Harvard Business Review, 63(3), 6772.Nonaka, I. (2007). The Knowledge-Creating Company. Harvard Business Review, 85(7/8), 162171.Alperovitz, G. (n.d.). Meet the Movement for a New Economy. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from
Summary:Where are we headed?Based on the weeks readings and your understanding of the current business environment as discussed in this course, outline what you think are the major challenges facing business in the coming years and how business might innovate to address these challenges.