The differences between the family of 1972 and 2012 (sociology) Sociological differences

selection procedure
August 3, 2020
Arguably, both Walter Benjamin and Susan Stewart see some positive potential within mass culture for a creative, self-productive, even liberatory rela
August 3, 2020

The differences between the family of 1972 and 2012 (sociology) Sociological differences

1. Introduction
a. Thesis: If you were to take the most typical, cookie-cutter families you can think of and pulled them from their respective generations for analysis you would see that the sociological advances of society in the past 30 years have changed the family dynamic enormously.
b. Information: In this paper I will detail the most important aspects of our society and their larger changes over the past 30 years.
c. Purpose: The purpose is to take documented research on societys advancement throughout the years and show how they have impacted the family dynamic itself.