The dabate between organic and coventional grown foods

Strategic Marketing Plan-Simulated Company
June 16, 2020
Demand estamation
June 16, 2020

The dabate between organic and coventional grown foods

Argumentative Research Paper
For your research paper, you are to establish your presence by writing and presenting a thesis-driven argument based on research. After thoughtful consideration, you should pose a question that is intellectually challenging and that engages your readers in a debate.  You should read widely in search of possible answers to your inquiry. You will have to analyze what you read and draw conclusions based on your research. You will need to cite 4-5 sources in your paper a minimum of 2 times each. You should have a variety of sources with a minimum of two scholarly and one printed (e-books count).  Begin your search on the Hancock Library computer catalog and the electronic databases found on our library homepage.  You may refer to online or print encyclopedias or other reference sources for general information, but do not cite them.  In your introduction, provide a brief background of your topic and your thesis statement.

Decide how you feel about your particular topic and write an essay that takes a definite position on it.  Your essay should persuade your readers to see things your way.  The sources you use are to provide you with evidence to support your argument, including a counterargument to your position.  You must consider opposing views to your position and state why those views are unacceptable by providing evidence against them. Do not merely summarize your sources. You are not simply reporting on a topic. You are to offer a unique perspective on your topic. Use third person point of view and an academic tone.
. You will have various research project assignments due regularly as part of your essay.  Due dates are listed on each assignment.  Failure to turn in any part of the assignment on time will affect your grade. Type your essay in MLA format. Essays should be 5-6 pages (1500 words min) plus a Works Cited page