The course text is: Brown, K. A., & Hyer, N. L. (2010). Managing projects: A team-based approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Please write it dow

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The course text is: Brown, K. A., & Hyer, N. L. (2010). Managing projects: A team-based approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Please write it dow

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The course text is: Brown, K. A., & Hyer, N. L. (2010). Managing projects: A team-based approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Please write it down as a reference for each question.

1.Explain the possible benefits to using one of the simulation methods when assessing for possible project risks. Why is this method better for some projects than risk mapping, FMEA, the gut-feeling method, and the Delphi method?
2. Chapter 6 presents several tools that can be useful when assessing for project uncertainties. Compare and contrast risk mapping, FMEA, and the gut-feeling method. Which method do you feel is most productive? Why?
3. Identify the resources a project manager can add to or change in a project when uncertainties come into play? Explain how being prepared can make these adaptations prevent further complications. What is a method for monitoring project uncertainties?
4. Describe how uncertainty analysis follows a project from the beginning of a project through the close of the project. Why is it important for uncertainty analysis to continue through the duration of the project?
5. Compare and contrast the activity-on-node and activity-on-arrow ways to schedule.
6. What are the variables that must be considered when developing a project schedule? Give a short explanation of how they impact the schedule development.
7. What are the benefits of using a time-based schedule?
8. What are the different types of precedence relationships? Which types are most practical to use when scheduling.
9. What are the tools that are often used to speed up the project process when necessary?
10. What are the possible project costs that need to be considered when analyzing a project trade off?
11. What are factors and decisions that need to be considered when comparing crash costs and the trade-off?
12. What is the “crashing” procedure? Use an example from your own project experience to help identify the steps.
13. There are several phenomena listed in the textbook that can potentially affect a project. Choose one, and explain how you, as a project manager, could be aware and prepare for the possible effect of its impact on a project.
14. What are the steps for a project change to be implemented once the tools have validated concerns for the project?
15. Think back to a project with which you have been involved. What monitoring tools have you used? Were they appropriate for the project? Explain your answer.
16. Why does a project require monitoring? Give an example of a project with which you have been involved that required monitoring. What was the end result of your project?