“Critically discuss the contemporary challenges and opportunities impacting on the governance (the work of Boards) and management of Community Sector Organisations.”
please use Hudson, M 2009, Managing without profit: leadership, management and governance in third sector organisations in Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney s one of the three references.
What are the key characteristics of Community Organisations? How are these characteristics reflected in organisational purpose, governance and approach? This assignment is about the nature of community organisations and the community sector. In addressing the task you should think about the stakeholders in Community Organisations (i.e. people who have an interest in and relationship to community oprganisations), their vision/mission, the types of challenges/demands/opportunities they face and the boundaries of the sector. You should also use examples to illustrate your points.
The following elements are the essential elements for this assignment, (please note also the comments above on knowledge generation and written competence). 1. The distinction between the Community Sector and other sectors (Market and Government) is made, using examples. 2. Challenges, opportunities and stakeholder interests are identified and described 3. The impact of these things on governance, purpose and approach is described 4. Critical understanding of the difference of the Community Sector from other sectors is discussed The elements should be addressed in keeping with the knowledge generation and written competence components described above.
You may write to headings that address the assessment criteria. This can help students to organise thoughts and structure assignments, as well as making it easier for markers to see what you have done. However, as long as the assessment criteria are addressed, students will not be penalised if headings are not used. Avoid using quotes to finish your sentences – i.e. use them to exemplify points rather than to speak for you. Use quotations sparingly – there is no written rule, but aim to use quotes only to make the most important points. Use economy of expression. This means being succinct and concise, brief and clear, avoiding emotive expression. Use Harvard referencing (referred to earlier in the Learning Guide). Do not use a Bibliography. The Reference List will list all the sources you have used in your assignment. Use 1.5 line spacing, one side of the page only. Use 12 point font, Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman A cover sheet must be filled out, signed and attached to all hard copies of assignments.