The Conflict Between Adam and Eve

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The Conflict Between Adam and Eve

The Conflict Between Adam and Eve
Order Description
Thesis Statement Idea – How did Adam and Eve begin the battle between good and evil?

15 page research paper upon which your research paper is based and a 5-7 page annotated bibliography, both of which must conform to established MLA standards of documentation. For the annotated bibliography, each annotation should take the form of a 2-3 sentence synopsis of the item which you have researched. By following that template, your bibliography should, then, incorporate approximately 20-30 sources. Your final number of research sources can exceed this number but not be below it. Of these sources, 50 percent [50%] must be hard-copy items, such as texts, scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, periodicals, films, recordings, and the like; the other 50 percent can be taken directly from internet sources.