The City (Movie Review) Custom Essay

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The City (Movie Review) Custom Essay

Thesis The Progressive era that dominated the earlier stages of the 20th Century brought with it many positive and negative factors. It leads to the rise in industrialization and increased immigration to the United States. During this period, United States had a fast growing economy, industrial and agricultural sectors. These are the mouthwatering facts that are always presented to anyone bothering to inquire about the Progressive era. It is expected that a true patriot and nationalist would always depict his country in a positive note while holding their heads high. However, as is the case, any action has an equal and opposing reaction. The negative aspects of the Progressive period are never discussed. We cannot assume that a perfect society just mushroomed from oblivion. There had to be underlying factors and external forces that led to betterment of society during this period. The movie “The City” better depicts the actual situation as it were