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The assignment:

ANOVA with Repeated Measures

Order Instructions:

This is for my Advanced Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis class.

From the instructor:

This week, you have explored various functions involving ANOVA with repeated measures. In this Application, you will practice using repeated-measures ANOVA. To prepare for this Application:

Review Chapter 8 of the Field text for a description of multiple regression and an example of conducting a multiple regression using IBM SPSS Statistics. Review Chapter 5 from the APA manual, Displaying Results. Review the media demonstrating the ANOVA with repeated measures.

Complete Smart Alex’s Task #2 on p. 589 to perform an analysis of variance with repeated measures using the TutorMarks.sav dataset from the Field text. You can follow the steps outlined on pp. 555€“565 as a guide. Report your findings in APA format according to the guidelines in the IBM SPSS Statistics Application Assignment Guidelines handout. The final document should be 2€“3 pages long.

Here are some helpful videos uploaded on my dropbox account:

Repeated Measures ANOVA €” Applied:

Repeated Measures ANOVA €”
