ANOVA with Repeated Measures
Order Instructions:
This is for my Advanced Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis class.
From the instructor:
This week, you have explored various functions involving ANOVA with repeated measures. In this Application, you will practice using repeated-measures ANOVA. To prepare for this Application:
Review Chapter 8 of the Field text for a description of multiple regression and an example of conducting a multiple regression using IBM SPSS Statistics. Review Chapter 5 from the APA manual, Displaying Results. Review the media demonstrating the ANOVA with repeated measures.
Complete Smart Alex’s Task #2 on p. 589 to perform an analysis of variance with repeated measures using the TutorMarks.sav dataset from the Field text. You can follow the steps outlined on pp. 555565 as a guide. Report your findings in APA format according to the guidelines in the IBM SPSS Statistics Application Assignment Guidelines handout. The final document should be 23 pages long.
Here are some helpful videos uploaded on my dropbox account:
Repeated Measures ANOVA Applied:
Repeated Measures ANOVA