Tell me six (6) things that you learned in this class that you will still remember six years from now and why

The Vigenre Cipher
July 28, 2020
Financial and Ethical Implication in medical coding and billing
July 29, 2020

Tell me six (6) things that you learned in this class that you will still remember six years from now and why

Answer three (3) of the following questions and bring your paper to me in class on Tuesday, May 13th at 10:40.

Question 1: Tell me six (6) things that you learned in this class that you will still remember six years from now and why.

Question 2:  Describe each of the following and tell me how would you use each of the following to evaluate the CTMAI:
(a)    Variance
(b)    Reliability
(c)    Predictive validity
(d)    Utility

Question 3: Why is it so important for you know what a correlation coefficient is? Use Sutton’s article on selection methods to demonstrate your point.

Question 4: Tell me why it is important for you and personnel psychologists to know what the ONET is and how to use it.

Question 5: Tell why each of the following is important:
(a)    Coaching and mentoring
(b)    Transfer of training
(c)    Psychological and physical fidelity.