Tell future students why this class was eunderestimated€

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Tell future students why this class was eunderestimated€

Tell future students why this class was underestimated

Submission Instructions

The essay is due during the week in which it is listed on the assignment calendar (See Modules).Save it as a .doc, docx, or .rtf file.To prevent upload problems, give it a new name before sending it. Rename the file with the section number, your last name, and the essay label, and no hyphens, underscores, nor spaces. In section 070, Josie Smith would re- name her file like this: 070Smith-Midterm.Submit it through the upload button in Canvas. Include this information in the comment box:The topic number and name. For example, Option 3, Plato and _____ (Fill in Film TitleThe sentence announcing the subject, audience and pupose submitted earlier.The first and last name under which SAC has you enrolledA phone number where you may be reached

Preparation: Review chapters 1, 2, 10A , Appendix II, any of the chapters which are relevant to your topic, and the handbook directions on quoting sources and typing the works cited.
Examples: The sample essay here and the pattern, sample, and breakdown that jump from here may help. See also the analytical content in these essays.
Length: 600-750 words, but if in doubt, count ideas, not words. There is no penalty for going over 750 words under these and only these conditions:

The topic has been sufficiently narrowedThe additional content develops the topic in areas that active readers would missThe additional content is not evidence of inexperience with narrowing the topic, understanding what makes strong support, and/or trimming as needed.

Process: Follow the overall writing process here.
Typed Format: The final draft should be typed to match the margins, page numbering, heading, title, spacing, works cited heading, and works cited entry format of the current MLA Style. A .doc file showing the pattern is here: Typed Essay •

Overall Appearance: The sample essay at the back of the handbook is available free here as a pdf file. (Search orlov to get there quickly once the file opens.)A .doc file showing the pattern is here: Typed EssayWorks Cited: Include the works cited, which isrequired, in MLA format typed at the end of the essay within the same file as the body.

Back-up: Store both an electronic backup and paper printout of the final draft where you can find them just in case.

Required Characteristics for Sources and Support
When writing bears these features, it comes across as a good-faith effort.

[ ] It uses at least four sources total from the accepted types. A student may interview ten people and list all ten, but only one will count as a source. Three other types, including at least two from the library databases, are required. Help on research:

SAC’s Distance Ed librarian Celita DeArmond has created a topic-customized Course Research Guide for this class here.The page includes contact information, as each librarian is also especially willing to help on campus or online. That job title here is Instructor/Librarian and each can help through IM, real-time chat, email, the phone, or a visit in person.

[ ] The sources must be academically respectable. Using low-quality sources will hurt the grade as outlined in the commitment contract. The ones with the topics below are good. Use a variety of them. When you do research, make sure they come from a SAC or other college library printed or online databases:

BooksHigh-quality print mediaElectronic sources from a college library or the SAC online subscription databases

These are also acceptable:

Televised documentaries from the Public Television, Learning, History, National Geographic, Smithsonian, or the Discovery channels.Bonus materials on movie dvdsThe web sites linked from anywhere in these course pages.The course research guide built especially for our class is located here.Review the information on sources here if needed.

These are NOT acceptable. They undermine the writer’s credibility, suggesting a less-than-serious, disrespectful, and ill-faith approach. Any essay citing these sources earns a grade below the passing level.

Cliff’s Notes, Sparknotes, Monarch Notes, or any site that sells essays to or any similar site. Track down the original or quote a source whose original you do have.Wikipedia or other generic web pages.

[ ] It shows evidence of having successfully observed the specifications listed in the Steps for Composing an Essay
[ ] It otherwise conforms to the standard grading criteria.

2. Because college is meant to develop a well-rounded thinker, degree plans sometimes include courses that present appropriate challenges to that end. Write about a college class (not this one) with an eye to enlightening those who don’t really know what it is like and helping them. If the subject is English 1302, this semester’s class, the grade will be a zero. Once you decide which other college class to write about, select a few misconceptions that students might have going into the class. List them briefly. After that, from what you have learned, create body paragraphs that discuss how each expectation was actually met or not met, and how it was handled to prevent negative outcomes. Conclude appropriately.

Be specific about the people and places involved. What school? Which course? Which city and state, if note widely known? Specifics is defined hereBe sure to tell about real people, activities, events and things people said. Feel free to change the names if necessary.Pausch may be a source, but not a major one.Students often have trouble with the sources, but ignoring this requirement is not an option for anyone who wants the essay to be accepted for grading. So please consider these: Some obvious voices arethe prof’s lecturessome students’ comments. Although you may use as many as you like, only one counts as a source.the college catalog description of the course.A comment from any videos shown in that classArticles in an education database available from the SAC library offer a national perspective on the course.I’ll bet you can think of other sources that might be even more relevant and to the point.Be sure to include a thesis that goes something like this: Students might picture ____ as a, b, and c, but a