Teenage pregnancy is an issue that has various impacts on the young women as the teens do not have the right skills to handle and manage pregnancy and motherhood. Stress is common to pregnancy mothers, and many adolescents may not have the patience to handle it perfectly. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, argues that babies from teenage mothers have a possibility of developing weaker intellectual development. There are various impacts of early pregnancy in adolescents are medical complications and emotional crisis, delayed education and worries about the future, drug abuse, and financial struggles.
Teenage mothers may develop medical complications, as most of the pregnant teenage girls do not seek adequate and quality medical care during their pregnancy. Some of the complications are anemia due to poor diet and high blood pressure resulting from poor management of the pregnancy. There is a likelihood of having a premature birth and placenta previa posing greater risks to the baby and the mother. Medical care is important to prevent complications that may be threatening pregnancy and the well-being of the mother. Emotional crises arise in situations when a girl becomes pregnant and does not want to raise the baby and may lead to abortion, or suicide attempt. The mother can suffer a lot of stress and depression due to various issues such as financial, lack of acceptance, and rejection by peers.
Delayed education and worries for the future other challenges that pregnant adolescent go through as they struggle to manage the pregnancy and raise the child. Most of the adolescent are school-going, and pregnancy make them drop out of school while others postpone their education to allow them care for their pregnancy and the baby. The girls also worry for their future especially when their education f obstructed due to the pregnancy. The worries can lead to adverse effects such as suicide or drug abuse.
Some other risk factors during pregnancy in adolescents are exhaustion and depression as most of them do not exercise enough during pregnancy. Although exhaustion is a normal part of pregnancy, it might be a sign of a worse underlying condition such as anemia. Handling the stress associated with pregnancy may lead to depression as she has to face the negative feedback from friends and relatives. During pregnancy, hormones fluctuate in levels, and the sometimes can lead to depression in teenage girls.
Here are various interventions by teachers, parents, policy-makers, and health-care providers through programs that address pregnancy problems facing adolescent girls. The main interventions are helping the adolescent girls handle their psychological issues and any measure that regard protection during sex. The teens are educated on the proper use of contraceptive. The Cochrane review (7) has the mandate of assessing the effects of the interventions that help to prevent unplanned pregnancies. The other interventions involve offering training and skills, which will offer support for their social and personal development. Abstinence education is also an important intervention to early pregnancies in addition to comprehensive and multi-faceted interventions offering counseling and support services. Other programs include the Teen Outreach provides comprehensive services to adolescent mothers to enable them cope and delay the second pregnancy.
In conclusion, teenage pregnancies have been on the rise with several negative effects on the adolescent mother such as emotional, financial, and social problems. There are various interventions to reduce the number of girls becoming pregnant and reduce the emotional, social, and economic challenges that they face. The interventions provide information on reproduction, offering contraceptives, and advice on sex postponement.