For this deliverable, you are evaluating your project team, considering your team’s performance using the frameworks from the team/group topic. You will discuss how
you’d work differently in your group, what you’d keep and what this suggests both about your own ability to work in teams and more generally. You will do this at the
end of semester v. at the time of the presentation in order to give yourself some space to reflect.
The team journal contains your observations of how your team worked together during meetings and throughout the project process. You will also analyze your
observations in brief. This will be due at the time of the final.
The journal should be kept throughout the project. This will be kept confidential but should be legible so you can turn it into the professor. The analysis will be
done in memo format.
To foster depth of analysis in your group analysis, you will need to take notes after each (or most) team interaction(s) for your project. Note how you feel, your
thoughts and comments, what you could change, and other observations. Note different concepts we’ve studied as well such as motivation, emotions, personality,
conflict, etc. You will need to include actual examples in your team analysis so taking notes throughout the process is essential.
• Memo format. Grammar and spelling count. Headers required. Business professional writing.
• Length: approx 2 – 3 pages single spaced.
• Include 2 – 3 theories on groups.
• Reference your team contract.
• Journal should be turned in at the same time as the paper. If the journal/notes are hand written, these should be turned in on the day of the final.
• The paper is due at the time of the final exam.
• Thoughtfulness and depth of discussion will be rewarded.
• Please see the rubric for full details of what will be evaluated.