Team Data Collection Analysis

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Team Data Collection Analysis

(Please complete the first element~ Element) the Team company we picked is Apple.

Team Data Collection Analysis
Collecting the right data is critical to answering any business issue using an analytical approach. Bartlett (2013) identifies three elements that are important when determining how to find the information necessary: a) Element: the actual unit that is measured; b) Population: the group of elements that is necessary; and c) Data: contained in row (descriptive information about elements) and column (variables) format.

Using your visual map that you developed in Week Three as a basis, determine how to collect data to provide information to help provide analytical insight for the decision-making process of the Business Purpose being evaluated.

Collect the appropriate data needed

Record the data in Excel

Generate an appropriate chart that visual represents the data collected

Resource for Excel Charts:

Sharma, H. (n.d.). How to select best Excel charts for your data analysis & reporting. Retrieved from

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