John Locke Moral Reason
September 11, 2020
Using Levels of Analysis to Understand the Influence of Violent Media on Aggression
September 11, 2020


Some of the highlights that I can mostly associate with during the course include three main teachings that include mission, value and vision. The principles and lessons got from these studies can be applied in daily life and in organizational settings. The three chosen authors each individually impacted and heightened the learning experience in their own unique way by introducing perspectives that are not only insightful but practical. For example, on value the book by Dr. Covey namely the principled centered leadership helped ground the fact that leadership should be approached similar to all the other life aspects, in that they should be governed mainly by certain principles.

I liked how he touched on combining principles and value. On value for example, the benefits got eventually lead to better employee and organizational functioning, and therefore improve employee lives. In addition, on principles, profit is not as important as the ethics. From this perspective I learnt that principles and values are the main contributing factors responsible for our behaviors. In that they are the main determinants that dictate our working environs. Values, once provided with a particular situation, provides us with a vision, as to where to head, what to do mainly based on its subjectivity and features.

From the books concepts I learnt that when the situations transform or change the values tend to be outdated. The influence of personal and cultural discoveries representations are often made due to the said values. On the basis of the divergent roles an individual plays he may therefore carry different values significant to those roles. Therefore these individual values are contradictory in nature, and susceptible to change mainly depending on the individuals newly acquired roles and traits.

In terms of discovering my vision the fifth discipline book was most helpful in that it directly helped popularize and explain the concepts of organizational learning. Such learning organizations aim to encourage and facilitate learning at all the organizational levels so as to allow the institution to transform and gradually adopt itself in a completive and dynamic setting.

            One thing that clearly stood out was that organizations no longer found it convenient to depend on one individual to learn for the organization, therefore the shared vision. A sufficient business is one that can develop effectively the capacity for members to communicate, form a joint vision and effectively understand the organization as shared together by the organization and its members to attain that vision.

Lastly in terms of mission the book purpose driven life has helped me understand what it means to have an objective in life. It is structured as a daily devotional book with the central aim of answering the question of what we are really placed on earth to achieve. Its main objective of the book is to prepare the reader to answer two questions that God will supposedly ask on the last day: namely what you did with the talent he gave you and what you did with Jesus? In relation to the learning experience the aspect of utilizing our God given abilities for his benefits mainly crowns the mission aspect of the lesson. For example since life is about glorifying God, the question then is how can I bring glory to God, thus the answer through serving others with our gifts, worshiping him and the overall mission to live according to his principles.

Most aspects of the course were enjoyable the only issues I can identify include some issues within the books used like in the purpose driven life, the style used within it was too simple, the theology simple and the structure overly simplified. The book also evidently twisted some of the Christian doctrines to achieve its overall goals. In addition due to the shallow doctrine shown within the book, it has indirectly taken a more market driven and cavalier approach, making some of its teachings arguable. In addition the religious aspect might not appeal to everyone since not everyone is ardent in applying Christian principles in their daily learning.

Another issue identified with the Principles-centered leadership is the fact that the author within the books context used too much repetition and un-coordinated structure that makes it hard to fully understand its contents. In addition I am of the opinion that some of the opinions expressed within the book were somehow forced since their application seems somehow far fetched and this can be a hindrance especially during the study. A suggestion would be to choose only the important aspects of the book as opposed to studying the entire book since it gets monotonous as the principles are explained.

In conclusion the lessons derived from these three authors even though different have each helped with my daily development as a leader. In addition they are practical and can be applied even after the course. Apart from the minor changes identified I would highly recommend future students to do the same course.


Covey, S. (1992).  Principled centered leadership. New York City, NY: Simon & Schuster.

Senge, P. (2006).  The fifth discipline. New York City, NY: Crown Business.

Warren, R. (2013).  Purpose driven life, expanded edition. Zondervan.