Topic: Tax Issues with Uber Car Hire Service
Order Description
Please address:
(1) What are the taxation and social issues relating to Uber tax drivers from a GST perspective?
(2) What are the GST implications?
? Background – this section should introduce the product/service to be marketed in the selected foreign country you have selected, and provides relevant background information. The following issues should be addressed.
? Introduce the selected company and provide relevant background information.
? Provide relevant information about the product/service including its features and benefits.
? Briefly discuss the selected foreign country, including the rationales for its selection.
? Environmental analysis – this section should analyse the environments in the selected foreign country and should address the following:
? Analyse the relevant factors in the economic environment and discuss the outcomes and their potential marketing implications for your selected company.
? Analyse the relevant factors in the political, legal and regulatory environments and discuss the outcomes and their potential marketing implications for your selected company.
? Analyse the relevant factors in the social and cultural environments and discuss the outcomes and their potential marketing implications for your selected company.
? Analyse the relevant factors in the technological environment and discuss the outcomes and their potential marketing implications for your selected company.
? Analyse the relevant contemporary environmental considerations and discuss the outcomes and their potential marketing implications for your selected company.
? Analyse the relevant industry and competitors (identify preferably 2 most significant ones) in the competitive environment and discuss the outcomes and their potential marketing implications for your selected company.
? Analyse the relevant factors in the internal environment (i.e. internal evaluation) and discuss the outcomes and their potential marketing implications for your selected company.
? Conclusions – this section should essentially summarise the main points and findings of the report.
? List of references – this section should include all reference materials used in the report. Harvard AGPS referencing style should be used in the report.
7 sources can be internet sources the rest have to be books or articles
Executive summary, Table of contents, List of references do not count in word count.
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