economies of scale
May 9, 2020
Undetermined Religious Backstories within The Female American by Unca Eliza Winkfield
May 10, 2020



Order Description

This is an examination. Students are expected to undertake the examination independently. Interpreting questions and finding additional sources are part of this process. No queries on these issues will be replied to.
Students are advised that exams must be typewritten, and include appropriate referencing. AT LEAST 4 different references must be used in total (this is a minimum not a guide; there is no maximum number).
Wordlength: 2,500 words total (approximately 1,250 words for each essay) Weighting: 80% of total mark

Answer TWO of the following questions:
1. Drawing on Manuel Castells, discuss whether information and communication technologies are reshaping our contemporary perception of space and place and, if so, their effects.
2. Can education help to change power and politics in society or can it only serve to reproduce social inequalities from one generation to the next?
3. Drawing on the ideas of Michel Foucault, evaluate whether we are becoming a surveillance society’.
4. Critically discuss the usefulness of Bourdieu’s concept of field’ for explaining why the overwhelming consensus in the scientific field concerning the reality of climate change is not necessarily reflected in media representations of the issue.