Tables 1 and 2 below show the company”s production budget. To help determine the profit of each individual product, the CFO wants overheads to be allo

Police Organization Class
July 26, 2020
Can you help me get started with this assignment? 1) What are the business benefits to Amazon and EBay of opening up some of
July 26, 2020

Tables 1 and 2 below show the company”s production budget. To help determine the profit of each individual product, the CFO wants overheads to be allo

Tables 1 and 2 below show the company”s production budget. To help determine the profit of each individual product, the CFO wants overheads to be allocated back to the products. Total inspection costs are $40,000.
Table 1:
Units 20 Units
Direct Labor Hours per Unit 200 Hours per Unit
Number of Inspections 5 per Unit

Table 2:
Units 20 Units
Direct Labor Hours per Unit 200 Hours per Unit
Number of Inspections 15 per Unit

1. Under a costing system that uses direct labor hours as a driver for the allocation, how much of the inspection costs would be allocated to Table 1?

2. Repeat the same question using data contained in Table 2.

3. Using ABC and the number of inspections as a driver for allocation, recalculate the allocation for Table 1.

4. Repeat the activity mentioned in question 3 for Table 2.