Systems Thinking for Managers Academic Essay

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Systems Thinking for Managers Academic Essay

• Provide a brief description of the system/ problem under investigation and the context (max 250 words)
• Describe and analyze the system or problem under investigation, unpacking the dynamics involved, exploring how events are linked and the emergent meanings or themes using diagrams where appropriate (max 1000 words) – 25 marks
• Explain what insights and/or solutions the methodology (ies) provide(s). You may like to ask questions such as – Does the system have a viable continuing role? Is the system capable of adapting to changes? Is the system working as it was intended providing the expected benefits to its stakeholders? (max 750 words) – 20 marks.
• Evaluate the potential of the methodology (ies) used in your

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Posted on May 6, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions