Supply Management and Commodity Strategy Development

Irrational escalations of commitment
April 3, 2020
Object description and explication
April 3, 2020

Supply Management and Commodity Strategy Development

Supply Management and Commodity Strategy Development

o    Questions 2, 5, and 12

2. Why has supply management traditionally not been involved  in the corporate strategic planning functions?

5. Under what conditions might you consider single-sourcing an item in the leveraging category of the portfolio matrix?

12. What do you think are the reasons that so few companies are classified as Stage 4 companies? Do you think this is likely to change?

Chapter 7: Supplier Evaluation and Selection

o    Questions 4, 6, 9, and 15

4. Why are vendor-managed inventory and integrated supplier programs becoming more popular with buyers when selecting a supplier?

6. Discuss the reasons why suppliers are sometimes reluctant to share cost information with buyers, particularly during the early stage of a buyer-seller relationship?

9. Define sustainability and discuss why it is becoming more important in supplier survey.

15. Why must the tiem it takes to evaluate and select suppliers decrease? What three methods would you think have the largest impact on reducing supplier selection time? Indicate why you feel

this way.

Chapter 8: Supplier Quality Management

o    Questions 1, 5, 10, and 15
