Summary and Personal Response

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March 22, 2020
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March 22, 2020

Summary and Personal Response

Summary and Personal Response

Select one essay in The Brief McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life: (2nd ed.) to summarize for this assignment.

Choose from the following essays:
“Se habla Espanol” by Barrientos;
“Facing poverty with a rich girl’s habits” by Kim;
“On becoming a writer” by Baker; or
“Farm girl” by Hemauer

Write a one and one-half to two (1½ – 2) page summary paper in which you:

1.) Identify the source (writer and title of essay) and state his or her most important point in your own words.
2.) Summarize the other main points and their supporting details in separate paragraphs.
3.) Discuss the (1) writer’s purpose, (2) genre, (3) audience, and (4) tone (attitude).
4.) Describe your emotional response to the essay.
5.) Use quotations, paraphrase, and summary correctly.