strategies for new Producs in 6 months

Project Analysis
May 7, 2020
Brainstorming & Searching for Root Causes
May 7, 2020

strategies for new Producs in 6 months

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The Assignment: (After Reading the Word dOcument Attached Kindly answer the below Questions)

1- As I am doing my 6 months internship at UNESCO in the DPI department as a visual communication Designer and an editor
A- What are my strategies which I am welling to develop a new products for Unesco in order to improve it’s brand’s equity?
B- How can I raise their social media’s followers such in facebook, twitter..etc ?

2- Luxury Brand: How do You see UNESCO as a luxury brand?: and how I help it to make it a luxury one?
a- World Heritage in the UNESCO, Please Read and analyze could-redesign-lvmhs-image.html?_r=0

b- Unesco has intangible communications as the luxury brands
partnership with

jeager lacoulture (World Heritage section in UNESCO)

Many Luxury brands want to work more (only)
Many fast consumers like L’oreal award (Human & Science sector in UNESCO)

Proctor & gamble education sector UNESCO)

There’s a demand from the luxury brand to work with the UNESCO such as Vogue, marie Claire (as we can see it’s an attraction from the feminine)

There’s a well to implicate with luxury brands t raise it’s brand equity.
in conclusion i need to have planned strategy for 6 months and showing how it’s going to work

August 2014.
UNESCO’S Facebook as there was a problem for the organization to get their Facebook Account back as someone else created the account as UNESCO Official Account, but

finally got activated on August 2014.

The consequences of the problem:
–    Was hard for anyone to find their facebook page wont appear in the searchable engine.
–    Less followers because there’s no budget

September 2014

As the social media( facebook must have the highest  followers)
They didn’t have the dropal network till 2013 ( basic web-marketing was shown)

Spanish Facebook

1- Was created later as (unescoes) people were able to find it the opposite case was with the English one.

2- the latin account has strong public information, strong communications.

-MEDIA RELATIONS COVERAGE Awarness from social media it is the source of the news nowadays for the Unesco.

Arabic Facebook Account was weak
–    needed : shape performance and product delivery

English Account delivery as  official north America to central America is the strongest, but the problem was that the wealthy people in those country don’t communicate

on that.

Brazil Account
1-    they’re able to adjust visual looks
2-    they have more followers
3-    you can feel and see the Brazilian look in their visual posts by using the colors , people.

Twitter Account

In general across the house of UNESCO they don’t create news in the media as (unicef€¦.etc) so they’re not present in the everyday news as they social media instead as


At UNESCO THEY USE photos, TV, Old films, store documents every specified human history.

Problems: 1- people thinks that UNESCO care inly about stones while there are Wars in Syria€¦etc as if they don’t care!
2- Don’t have access to many of the photos: weak communication from the world heritage.


A ll brands becomes editors today, forces different kinf of work in UNESCO.
As UNESCO considered as Public Information.

What do you do that being editor everyday?
What are the visual strategy? What’s make it? ( when you don’t have many news, how you animate a discussion for everyday ?

–    for UNESCO TO Be an editor : must do a narrative visuals.
–    Use google plus+ as to tell a story( by abstract voice,narrative story)
–    Important to know how to tell a story
–    Nowadays people shifted from the website to the social media so
–    The social media is the source for the media to get the news and then they look at the website
–    -what the social media means to you?
–    Watch the vidoes for the UNESCO on Youtube to see the people whom are engaged.
–    How you’re going to do a network? the numbers of likes  (Are really important as less likes means less relivant.
–    Political analysis
–    what makes social media hard?
1-    less photos        2-social media field fltering information.
3- who’s feeding your news?     4- when someone unlike your page that’s means its unfiltered out when someone likes your page is filtered in
4-    do people wants to make you part of their news ?
our Goal : want people to make you part of their lives.

-People are many different platforms ( Transmedia narrative really important)

precede from the  from the recongnition> Twitter, facebook,instagram,pintrest, google plus
all the above media (transmedia narrative that Unesco uses  will help you know how to tap in the effective position .
–    There’s a certain positionality.
As all of them use Refraction = Visual effects
Narrative refraction: to see the media from different way

–    How to choose UNESCO to be lifestyle? Dimensions really important by writing messages

The Assignment: (After Reading the Word dOcument Attached Kindly answer the below Questions)

1-    As I am doing my 6 months internship at UNESCO in the DPI department as a visual communication Designer and an editor
A-    What are my strategies which I am welling to develop a new products for Unesco in order to improve it’s brand’s equity?
B-    How can I raise their social media’s followers such in facebook, twitter..etc ?

2-    Luxury Brand: How do You see UNESCO as a luxury brand?: and how I help it to make it a luxury one?
a- World Heritage in the UNESCO, Please Read and analyze       could-redesign-lvmhs-image.html?_r=0

b- Unesco has intangible communications as the luxury brands
partnership with

jeager lacoulture (World Heritage section in UNESCO)

Many Luxury brands want to work more (only)
Many fast consumers like L’oreal award (Human & Science sector in UNESCO)

Proctor & gamble education sector UNESCO)

There’s a demand from the luxury brand to work with the UNESCO such as Vogue, marie Claire (as we can see it’s an attraction from the feminine)

There’s a well to implicate with luxury brands t raise it’s brand equity.