Describe to a Business person the multiplicity of a relationship between two classes.
March 29, 2020
March 29, 2020



Individuals Part A

Undertake a Corporate Strategic Plan for Entrepreneurship for an ASX company or family business etc that is not international currently, and to be linked with the organization’s current strategic plan or documentation, therefore upgrading to an entrepreneurial plan, Max 2500 words.

Once your organisation has been selected use a template as such:

Find Your Company here:

Select your company from a Sector from a GICS Industry Group, then click into the company’s website link, then find and download your company’s annual report 2012 usually found under the investor relations, about the company or Corporate Relations area of the Annual Report.

Google: corporate strategic plan template: for an appropriate template to adapt and modify, incorporating these elements into the plan.
As to the format of your CSP be guided by your selected template regarding layout and content.

Part B

Undertake write a report, max (1350 words) on how your selected domestic company could be potentially an international company.
Environment and sustainability
Global Opportunity
Entrepreneurs in developing markets
Leadership &
Management Style
Risk management
Global intelligence
Global Law & finance
Humans Resources
Evolving Entrepreneurship
Global corruption
Exit strategies

Google: entrepreneur strategic plan template: to select an appropriate template.

As to your ESP the same applies as your CSP.

As said any material directly used from external documents, requires proper citation


For the CSP template selected off the web, if there is a section in your CSP that corresponds with your Annual General Report that you have selected then copy, paste and cite this text from your AG report to the CSP. What ever else that is not covered in the CSP from the AG Report you need to add your own thoughts, at a domestic level.

For the ESP template selected off the web this is an upgrade from the CSP to address the issues outlined in your ESP as well incorporating the points that I have outlined that I require to be part of the ESP.