Strategic Planning in Dynamic Environments Academic Essay

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Strategic Planning in Dynamic Environments Academic Essay

CSR activities are increasingly strategic in that they affect the core business of the firm and its growth, profitability and survival.
Drawing on an example of a corporation or company (national/international), discuss this in the context of business strategies, in particular on the issues of competitive advantage and firm performance.
You are to write an analytical discussion or argumentation that demonstrates your understanding of CSR and strategic management concepts, not a presentation of summary information. The essay must also provide a discussion of key concepts, theories and issues, using examples with appropriate referencing.
Using the criteria discussed in the Week 9 reading by Porter and Kramer (2006), evaluate the CSR activities of your selected organisation or company with regard to its mission, business objectives, and competitive business strategy. Does the organisation’s CSR activity contribute to organisational success? If so, how is that demonstrated in terms of firm performance?

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Posted on May 4, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions