Strategic management in the hospitality industry

Compare and contrast a work with a movie adaptation
June 4, 2020
Begin by viewing the 30 minute video which consists of interviews with faculty and students from the University of Washington’s
June 4, 2020

Strategic management in the hospitality industry

Strategic management in the hospitality industry

I. Executive summary/Abstract (10%)


• Brief description of the industry

• Focus and aim of this report

• Key points of analysis

• Conclusion

A: 10-7%

B: 6.9-6%

C: 5.9-5%

D: 4.9-4%

E: 3.9-3.5%

F: 3.4-0%

II. Introduction (10%)


• Background of the organization

• Organization to be analyzed.

• Brief comments on results obtained from CW1:

o PESTEL: which are the key drivers and which scenario would benefit the most the industry?

o P5F: Is the industry attractive for investment?

o Competitive Advantage: which are the distinctive resources and competences of the organization and how they lead the industry to reach competitive advantage? (higher profits than competitors, value creation, customer loyalty)

• Aim

o To analyse the strategic position, the strategic purpose and culture of . Thereby using strategic planning and change management theories.

• Objectives

o To examine the competitive strategy of .. by using Porter’s Generic Strategies and The Strategy Clock

o To analyze with the use of the Ansoff Matrix and the BCG Matrix strategic options that .. could/should pursue in the future.

o To write conclusions and propose recommendations for the organization.

Please remember to reference all information coming from a source other than yourself!

A: 10-7%

B: 6.9-6%

C: 5.9-5%

D: 4.9-4%

E: 3.9-3.5%

F: 3.4-0%

III. Main body – Evidence of knowledge and understanding (60%)

Focusing on answering the questions posed below. This should include definition, discussion and application of relevant strategic concepts and model/frameworks. The answers to the questions should be composed as a flowing text.

A: 60-42%

B: 41.4-36%

C: 35.4-30%

D: 29.4-24%

E: 23.4-21%

F: 20.4-0%

3.1 The Competitive Strategy of [Case] (30%)CHAPTER 6


Using an appropriate model evaluate the competitive strategy of the hospitality/ tourism organization you have chosen. Students are here also required to comment on the applicability of Porter’s Generic Strategies and the Strategy Clock.

• Define the 3 Generic Strategies. Which of the three generic strategies follows the organization? (cost leadership, differentiation or focus)(sources!)

• Define the Strategy clock. Which of the 8 strategies from the strategy clock is the organization following? (no frills, low price, hybrid, differentiation, focus differentiation or failure)

To think about/discuss:

• What theoretical concepts/frameworks do you need to examine/establish the competitive strategy of your case?

• Where does your case fit in?

• What information do you need about your case in order to justify choice of competitive strategy?

Theoretical/conceptual discussion required + application to your case!

3.2 Future Strategy for[Case] (30%)CHAPTERS 7-8


Looking to the future and the maturity of the industry, propose and justify, a future strategy for your chosen hospitality/ tourism organization.

• Define SBU and name the SBU’s that the organization has.

• Define Value. In which way is the corporate management creating value to its SBU’s? (envisioning, coaching and facilitating, providing central services and resources or intervening) (Reference!)

• Define the Ansoff Matrix and describe each of the 4 parts of the Ansoff Matrix. Which strategy from the Ansoff Matrix is the organization following in order to grow in market share and size? (market penetration, product development, market development or conglomerate diversification)

• Define the BCG Matrix and its 4 parts. Analyze two SBU of the organization (are these dogs, stars, problem child or cash cow?)

To think about/discuss:

• Where are we now?

• What is the suggested future development? Why? (Justification supported by facts and references)

o Settle with further market penetration to defend position? Potential retaliation from competitors? Legal constraints?

o Develop the product/service? Need for new strategic capabilities? What about product management risk?

o Market development? New segments? New users? New geographies (perhaps new international markets -> what do we need to consider here)?

o Go for complete change and combine market and product/service development (diversification)? Why, what are our reasons? Related diversification of unrelated?

Theoretical/conceptual discussion required + application to your case!

IV. Conclusions and recommendations (10%)


Discuss your views on the development of the industry sector in which your hospitality/ tourism organization is competing. It is here important to refer back to findings in the previous questions to paint a picture of what the development will look like and why.

4.1 Conclusions: (5%)

o in the shape of a summary of the main body- they should bring us back to the aim and objectives.

o point of departure: what does the industry look like now (P5Fs!)?

o where are we on the industry life cycle?

o possible future players or competitors?

4.2 Recommendations: (5%)

o logically connected to this summary/main body, with realism and focus.

o possibility of mergers, acquisition, alliances or organic development?

A: 10-7%

B: 6.9-6%

C: 5.9-5%

D: 4.9-4%

E: 3.9-3.5%

F: 3.4-0%

V. Presentation and referencing 10%

A: 10-7%

B: 6.9-6%

C: 5.9-5%

D: 4.9-4%

E: 3.9-3.5%

F: 3.4-0%

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