strategic management in a business or organisation

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strategic management in a business or organisation

strategic management in a business or organisation
Critically evaluate strategic management in a business or organisation that you are familiar with.
Guidelines for this task:
? You are required to write the assignment in report format. You may use sub-headings to organise your work.
? Assignment must be typed and should be at least 1.5 line spaced with at least a 12pt font size.
? Ensure that you read widely and address key components of the strategic management process addressed in the literature from Module 1.
? You should seek to complement the readings from Module 1 by accessing books and relevant journal articles from the sources listed under Recommended additional reading’ in this Subject Outline.
? You are expected to cite a minimum of 10-15 critical references for this assignment. Ensure that you reference a broad array of authors and materials (books, textbooks, academic journals, business periodicals, reports, etc).
? Use your reading to inform your critical evaluation of the potential strengths/weaknesses or benefits/limitations of strategic management within the business, public sector or not-for-profit organisation where you work.
? While you are required to name the organisation that is the focus of your research, you may wish to make a case for maintaining the anonymity of the organisation (e.g. due to political or commercial sensitivities). Contact your subject coordinator before you start on the assignment.
Completion of this assessment should facilitate the development of a good understanding of what is involved in Strategic Management. More specifically, it should result in your having some understanding of the various components of the strategic management process (for analytical purposes, this may be conceived as strategic analysis, strategy development and selection, and implementation).
Marking criteria
Discussion of Key Issues
? Discussion of strategic management practice in the organisation
? Critique/analysis of strengths/weaknesses or benefits/limitations of strategic management in the organisation
Research and Underlying Analysis
? Breadth and care regarding reading and research
? Quality/originality of analysis and arguments (i.e., goes beyond basic course material)
Presentation of Discussion
? Clarity and coherence of argumentation
? Grammar and syntax
? Referencing (in-text and end-text)