Please select 1 of the following and write a 350 word essay about it. 1)In a summary
September 10, 2020
Sodor Oil Terminal Design, Planning and Construction: Evaluation Report
September 10, 2020


A program meant to help the poor student to complete their education makes it harder for the students to graduate on schedule, because of the method applied to running it. The Pell Grant program is under the federal government, and its main aim is to help the students with financial difficulties to pursue their college education. The main challenge to the program is that it can only offer support to a student for only 12 credit hours in a term. The program disadvantages the low-income students since it gives them lower credits, thus disadvantaging the students under the program.s require 15 or 16 credit hours.

, the non- selected colleges, and universities cater for the additional credits to complete the degree. Since students in the community colleges pay less than the Pell Grant, they get a refund, which help them solve some of their financial problems. The problem is the refund for those taking 15 is smaller than for those taking 12 hours. In order to help the low-income students attain their degrees, the Pell grant should increase the funding for any students taking more than 12 credit hours. The Pell grant should also fund the part-time students to complete their degrees in addition to funding students with more credit hours.