Statistical Analyses In The Real World Academic Essay

Statistical Analyses In The Real World Academic Essay

Select an area of interest within psychology.
Use the Capella library to locate one peer-reviewed journal article that uses the interpretation of statistical analysis to resolve an issue in the field. Select an article that uses quantitative (not qualitative) analyses.
Write a 2–3-page critically analyzing the article. Consider the interpretation and selection of the supporting statistical analyses. To do this, complete the following:
Explain the analysis and describe the decision that was made. Was the null hypothesis rejected, or did the article fail to reject the null hypothesis? Provide examples of the statistical language used and translate the examples from statistical language to real-world language.
Evaluate the research and discuss areas of strength and areas of weakness in the study design, research process, and interpretation and description of the results.
Explain whether you think the conclusions accurately reflect the analysis. Use both statistical and real-world language to support your opinion.

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Posted on May 5, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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