statement from your Personality Profile Test

Write a report which discusses and evaluates the methodology and ethical issues associated with psychological research.
March 15, 2020
Technical Writer
March 15, 2020

statement from your Personality Profile Test

MentiSource Solutions Limited website (URL:

1. Copy and paste the “Conclusion” statement from your Personality Profile Test below:
You are one of the Explorers – a bold and freedom-loving individual who enjoys pushing the limits and exploring the unknown. You are known for your enthusiasm, social skills and ability to cheer up those around you. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits – proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.
2. Compose a 400-500 word statement explaining what you learned about yourself. Please comment on your view of the relative accuracy of the profile. Further, indicate how this self-knowledge could help you in your career. Some may find no value in the exercise. In this instance, please develop a 400-500 word statement explaining why you feel that is the case.
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