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Statement Academic Essay

Topic: Which aspect of CMSRU (Cooper Medical School of Rowan University) makes you want to pursue the Early Decision application pathway? (max: 1000 characters).
My overall goal on what to write is as follows; however, if you have suggestions on better ways, please feel free to add or remove existing info, and contact me.

Also, if you think my point of view or ideas does not relate well with the topic, please let me know.

2015-16 Prompts (all 1000 characters including spaces):
1. How do you believe that you match the mission of CMSRU?
2. Most medical school applicants describe two reasons for their medical school aspirations: the love of science and the wish to help people. These two reasons could lead a person down many pathways, so please describe a different reason that medicine is the right choice for you.
3.Which aspects of your personality, in your opinion, make you well suited to a career in medicine?
4.Which non-science undergraduate course taught you the most about yourself? Please explain.
5. Please describe your anticipated educational, employment, and other activities between completing your AMCAS application and matriculating to medical school

Mission Statement of Cooper medical school:
Our mission is to serve, to heal and to educate. We accomplish our mission through innovative and effective systems of care and by bringing people and resources together, creating value for our patients and the community.

Please follow the link below to watch a short video about Cooper Medical School of Rowan University..

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Posted on May 29, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions