Part A: PLEASE ADDRESS EACH BULLET BELOW ?State your behavior change choice ?Research how to change that particular behavior. Find at least 2 references. One must be from a scientific journal. Consult books, magazines, the internet, or personal advisors to determine ways to accomplish your goal (s). Include: o The title o The author or writer o The source: name of magazine, producer of video, affiliation of professional expert, internet address. ?State your reasons for your choice ?What you hope to learn or achieve and why ?What are your prior (good or bad) experiences that are similar to this choice? ?What are the ways you will determine your progress. ?List the barriers to change that you think may be a problem for you and some ways that you could overcome those barriers. Plan ?Describe your plan ?State your goals and objectives ?Try to include all the theories that are relevant into your plan ?Describe the “Predisposing, Enabling, & Reinforcing Factors” that you will use ?Describe how you plan to rearrange your commitments and time so that you can achieve your objectives. For each objective you stated, you should list a day, time and place when you will accomplish it ?Will you have a supporter? A supporter is someone who can help you or supports your decision to change. If so, please include them in your plan. Part B: Implementation. ?Carry out your plan for 3+ weeks ?Document your progress (table format). ?Turn in Part A and B together Part C: Evaluation Submit to the Instructor a written report in which you: ?Have summarized your project plan and the health principles it represented ?Described the experience of trying to accomplish your goals and objectives ?Listed a minimum of two things about your topic that you learned about yourself ?What you learned about how to change a health behavior when you did this project ?State whether the project was worthwhile and why ?State any future behaviors that you wish to change ?Turn in Part A, B and C. You should write three part, and follow the rules.