State Level Analysis of India

Freight and Transportation in Intermodal Transportation-Forum Randy G. 2/2
October 16, 2020
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October 17, 2020

State Level Analysis of India

State Level Analysis of India

Country Paper:

Each student will choose a country of his or her own interest ( I have chosen India ), and will write 1 paper of approximately four pages in lengh. The paper will be based in a specific topic in international relations, and how they relate to your country. You are encouraged to use outside sources to research your specific country. A great place to start with this is the CIA world factbook ( Remember, if you use the internet to research, be sure it is a credible source (wikipedia is NOT!!). More information about researching can be found on the writing resources page on Blackboard. Papers will always be due on the Friday of the week they are assigned. Late papers will be penalized one letter grade for each class it is late, papers more than 2 weeks late will not be accepted under any circumstance. Papers should be submitted through the Assignments tool in Blackboard. The subjects for the papers are as follows.

Paper #1 State Level Analysis. (Week 4)

Take a look at the domestic political situation in your country and explain how that situation influences their foreign policy. What are the major political or economic issues facing that country today? Who are the main actors in creating your country’s foreign policy? Who does your country identify itself nationalistically? Does the countries nationalism play a role in determining domestic or foreign policy?