Stage 1: Introduction about two of early childhood environment rating scale which are “Space and Furnishing” and “program Structure”

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September 24, 2020
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September 24, 2020

Stage 1: Introduction about two of early childhood environment rating scale which are “Space and Furnishing” and “program Structure”




Paper Topic: early childhood environment rating scales

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Stage 1: Introduction about two of early childhood environment rating scale which are “Space and Furnishing” and “program Structure”

The environment significantly contributes to the learning and development of a child. The environment plays a significant role in developing mood, ability to form relationships and increase the effectiveness of an individual to work and play. The environment effect the ability of the children to learn and play for two reasons the first reason is that young children are in the process of brain development (Harms, et al., 2014). Different kinds of experiences help the children to make strong connections in the environment and develop their brain. The second reason is the amount of time which children spend in the environment or group settings this will also contribute to the learning of the child.

According to Sylva, (2003) early childhood environment rating scale consists of inclusive and culturally sensitive indicators of child learning. The items of early childhood environment rating scales include interaction, curriculum, health and safety and parents and staff. This document will cover two early childhood environment rating scales. These scales include the space and furnishing and program structured scales.

Space and furnishing

This is the early childhood environment rating scale which includes different items. These items include indoor space, furnishing for care, play and learning. This early childhood environment rating scale defines the room arrangements for play and learning. Space for privacy, child related display, space for gross motor play and gross motor equipment all are the items which are used on this scale.All these items measure the amount and quality of material, furniture and the cleanliness and lightening necessary for a child to learn and play (Sylva, et al., 2016).

Program structure

This early childhood environment rating scale includes items include transitions, and free play, whole group activities for play and learning.the first item measure the structure in places, an amount of time, accessibility and type of material and system to promote free play experiences of the child. The third item of this scale measures the type and organisation of whole group activities and staff responses to support the involvement of children in the group for playing and learning (Harms, et al., 2014).




Harms, T., Clifford, R. M., & Cryer, D. (2014). Early childhood environment rating scale. Teachers College Press.

Harms, T., Clifford, R. M., & Cryer, D. (2014). Early childhood environment rating scale. Teachers College Press.

Stipek, D., & Byler, P. (2004). The early childhood classroom observation measure. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19(3), 375-397.

Streiner, D. L., Norman, G. R., & Cairney, J. (2014). Health measurement scales: a practical guide to their development and use. Oxford University Press, USA.

Sylva, K., Siraj-Blatchford, I., & Taggart, B. (2003). Assessing quality in the early years: Early childhood environment rating scale: Extension (ECERS-E), four curricular subscales. Trentham Books.

Sylva, K., Siraj-Blatchford, I., Taggart, B., Sammons, P., Melhuish, E., Elliot, K., & Totsika, V. (2006). Capturing quality in early childhood through environmental rating scales. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 21(1), 76-92.