Job Analysis / Job Description
June 20, 2020
Course work ;different versions of a Logic Model
June 20, 2020



Paper details:

Minimum 550 words to 650. The book is “wild” by Cheryl strayed. Topic is about spirituality growth. Should include 3 reasons why. A thesis in the intro. No block quotes. Support evidence wth quotes from the book. A clear argument how she has grown spiritually through the trail and how it healed her. Make sure to define spiritually in a creative way..maybe an outside reference to show some credibility. Show three reasons in three paragraphs. Total of 5 intro 3 bodies and conclusion.Spirituality

Paper details:

Minimum 550 words to 650. The book is “wild” by Cheryl strayed. Topic is about spirituality growth. Should include 3 reasons why. A thesis in the intro. No block quotes. Support evidence wth quotes from the book. A clear argument how she has grown spiritually through the trail and how it healed her. Make sure to define spiritually in a creative way..maybe an outside reference to show some credibility. Show three reasons in three paragraphs. Total of 5 intro 3 bodies and conclusion.