Review the Final Research Paper instructions in Week Five, and identify three potential research topics
July 11, 2020
Why factors led to Africans becoming chattel slaves rather than indentured servants
July 11, 2020

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines
Company Information
Southwest Airlines Co. (Southwest) is a passenger airline that provides scheduled air transportation in the United States. As of December 31, 2010, the Company had 548 Boeing 737 aircraft serving 69 cities in 35 states throughout the United States. The Company provides point-to-point, rather than hub-and-spoke, service. During the year ended December 31, 2010, approximately 73% of the Company’s Customers flew non-stop, and the Company’s average aircraft trip stage length was 648 miles with an average duration of approximately 1.8 hours. As of December 31, 2010, the Company served 460 non-stop city pairs. On September 26, 2010, the Company entered into a merger agreement providing for the Company’s acquisition of Air Tran Holdings, Inc. (Air Tran). In November 2010, the Company terminated its agreement with West Jet to offer connecting service between the United States and Canada. In May 2011, the Company acquired Air Tran Holdings, Inc.

With a quirky culture and a fleet of more than 500 Boeing 737s, Southwest Airlines has been one of the nation’s few consistently profitable airlines. Other low-cost carriers, notably Air Tran and JetBlue, copied and in some ways improved on Southwest’s no-frills service. But Southwest, in part because of its conservative fiscal management, has remained a larger force on the domestic scene.
Please research articles and answer the questions below with theories from the textbook. Please be sure to cite your references in the text. Please follow the format below and add a works cited page for any reference materials.
1. Culture
a. Define organization culture according to the text.
b. Describe Southwest’s culture and how it impacts employee performance.
c. Review Southwest’s performance measurements and how they are impacted by the culture.
2. Personality
a. Discuss the CEO of Southwest, Gary Kelly’s, personality type based on the Big Five Personality Dimensions in the textbook. Please define each dimension and provide examples of how Gary Kelly exhibits each of the dimensions.
b. Determine if Gary Kelly is a Type A or Type B personality type based on the text, define Type A / B and provide examples.
c. How does Gary Kelly’s personality impact the culture of Southwest?

3. Emotional Intelligence
a. Please define emotional intelligence according to the text.
b. In your opinion does Gary Kelly demonstrate emotional intelligence and how does it positively or negatively impact Southwest’s culture, employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction? Please provide examples.
Please be sure to define any term, concepts, and theories from the text and then provide examples.
The Introduction should include a brief overview and explain how the paper is organized.

Question – (state the question or state it as a problem statement)

(repeat the question/answer format for each question in the case) You should include references to the text material and theories in your answer. You should discuss how your answer/opinion relates to the text and class discussions.

The Conclusion should briefly explain what you have learned about the case based on your answers to the assigned questions.)

All references in your text should be cited and you must include a Works Cited Page

Points will be deducted for papers that are not in this format. Points will be deducted if there are no references to the text material and when references are not cited in the body of your paper.

Textbook: Organizational Behavior and Management 10th Edition
Author: John M. Ivancevich
Chapter 8-Managing Misbehavior
References from the chapter must be included in the paper