Major paper 8: novel analysis–topics below; same rules as all previous papers (MLA format, 3 pp. minimum, 3 quotes or more per body paragraph, spellchecked and proofread, etc.)
Choose one of the topics below
Paper topics on Song of Solomon
Using your own working definition of “magical realism” (or simply “magic”), prove how it plays a crucial role in shaping the characters and/or plot. Argue either on the level of characters and story OR authorial craft and style.
Explore the ways in which racial identity affects Milkman and others, paying particular attention to the “oreo” question: given that all major characters are African American, how can some be “blacker” than others?
When, if ever, is revenge a good thing? Guitar is the most obvious example, but there are plenty of others, including things that may not strictly qualify as vengeance, such as Milkman’s trying to make amends for the mistakes, shortcomings, or mistreatments of various family members.
Milkman is his own worst enemy: prove or disprove.
Explore questions of gender: women in the story wield unusual power and/or play atypical roles OR men do or don’t live up to common stereotypes of strength, resilience, dominance, intelligence, etc. Probably focus on about three female or three male characters.
Circe is biologically super-old; Milkman has never grown up in some ways; Lena is as much a mother as a sister to him; Ruth loves her father like a husband; Hagar seems stuck in an adolescent crush gone overboard. . . make the case that there are multiple forms of “age” in the story, and they shape the characters and events in specific ways.
After Milkman’s endless quests for his “people” and homeland, and all the sundry other conflicts among relatives, is family a blessing or a curse? Do not let this turn into an exploration of Milkman alone, or a judgment on the success or failure of his journey.
Explore the literal and symbolic significance of “flying.” (In a sense this is a subset of question #1, but you must come up with a specific argument that goes beyond magic in general.)
Prove or disprove: the “main character” of the novel is not Milkman (or any other individual), but the whole black community.