You can use any noun, but be as specific as possible. For example, AirJordans is more specific than designer shoes. Harley Davidson is morespecific than motorcycles. The Pittsburgh Steelers is a more specific topic than NFL football teams. Begin by stating what public opinion is regarding your topic. What merit(s) do most people think it has? Why is it thought of as the best. Then give your reasons for not agreeing. Bring an outline and/or your brainstorming to class Monday in order to have a rough draft ready to turn in at the end of the class period.McAfee SECURE How it works?black family a failing institute find the paper posted by Washington post its called black family a failing institute written by William raspberry. I will upload da rest.Uploaded additional materials: assignmentAssignment one of twoYou will write a responsive essay (reaction paper) on the editorial Black family a failing institute by William Raspberry.
Consider the following:
1. How do you personally feel about the merits of this editorial?
2. Discuss your personal thoughts on this subject.
3. Agree or disagree with the subject matter but use facts that you know or have observed.
4. Support your thesis statement with the body of your response or your reaction.
5. You must have a conclusion.