Solution-Write an essay on an environmental issue position

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Solution-Write an essay on an environmental issue position

During this course, many environmental issues will be examined in detail. The Final Report is a project that will give you an opportunity to focus on an area of interest to you.

You will research and write an essay on an environmental issue position.

The research essay will be written in stages with different assignments/tasks throughout this course. To successfully complete Part 1, do the following: Identify one environmental issue that has affected you or someone you know.

The issue you choose will be the topic for your Final Report. For help in selecting topics, refer to the “Suggestions for Environmental Topics.” Complete the Final Report Outline as specified in the directions.

Write a complete introductory paragraph that thoroughly presents the selected environmental issue and grabs the audience’s attention. Comprehensively covers the major points of the report as well as presents the thesis statement.

Initial positions are supported with logical and convincing statements. A minimum of three peer reviewed resources are required.


Verified Expert

The present solution is based on an Environmental topic – Nursing work refusal, which is a common issue in the health care settings. The arguments made in the solution is based on logical information from peer reviewed sources. The solution also contain thesis statement that can be helpful for future work. The solution is prepared in APA format in MS word file and comprise of more than 600 words.