Solution-What are the two major classes into which fishes

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April 20, 2020

Solution-What are the two major classes into which fishes


1. What are the two major classes into which fishes are divided?

2. From which features do osteichthyes and chondrichthyes get these names?

3. What are the major features of fishes associated to the habitat where they live?

4. Comparing to cyclostomes (primitive vertebrates) what are the major novelties presented by fishes?

5. How different are the swimming strategies in chondrichthyes and in osteichthyes? Why do sharks need to agitate their body to swim while

bony fishes do not?

6. How does the swim bladder of fishes work allowing fishes to control their depth under water?

7. How do fishes do gas exchange?

8. Do fishes present an closed or open circulatory system? How many chambers does a fish heart have? How does blood flow throughout the fish body?

9. How is excretion done in fishes?

10. What are the lateral lines of fishes?

11. How different are fecundation in chondrichthyes and in osteichthyes?

12. Fish identity card. How are fishes characterized according to examples of representing beings, skin, basic morphology, circulation, nitrogen waste, respiration, thermal control and types of reproduction? 


Verified Expert

Fishes are divided into two major classes: osteichthyes, bony fishes (tuna, sardines, salmons). “Chondros” means cartilage, “ictis” means fish (both from the Greek) the name