Solution-Simple cones and compound cones in conifers

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April 24, 2020
Solution-Did you like your food intake for the days record
April 24, 2020

Solution-Simple cones and compound cones in conifers

1. Which group of algae appears to be the most closely related to the ancestors of true plants? Name one feature that appears to be homologous.

2. What are microphylls and which group of seedless vascular plants are they found?

3. What is the difference between simple cones and compound cones in conifers?

4. What are basal angiosperms and why can’t they be classified as either monocots or eudicots?

5. What is a rain shadow and how is it formed? Name one feature that you would expect to find in plants adapted to living in a rain shadow?

6. What are three morphological and/or anatomical differences between monocots and eudicots?