1. Bacteriophage M13 infects E. coli differently from the way bacteriophage T2 does. The M13 coat is removed in the inner membrane of the bacterial cell, where it is sequestered during phage replication. It is subsequently used to package the newly replicated phage DNA to create progeny phage. Why would this make M13 less suitable than T2 for the Hershey and Chase experiment?
2. Adenovirus has a double-stranded linear DNA genome that measures 12.2 m in length. How many base pairs make up the adenovirus genome?
3. A DNA is found to exhibit a melting point of 75C in 0.1 M NaCl. What effect would each of the following have on the malting point of the DNA?
a. Increased NaCl
b. Decreased DNA concentration
c. Adding 1% formamide