Solution-How endosymbiosis helped complex biological life

Solution-Did the leader overcome those issues
April 23, 2020
Solution-Write an essay on relation between genes and myopia
April 23, 2020

Solution-How endosymbiosis helped complex biological life

1. In two complete paragraphs

• Describe 3 ways human activity is causing the 6th mass extinction on Earth.• And 3 things we can do to reduce our impact and slow the loss of biodiversity.

2. The amphipathic properties of soap facilitates the mixing of oil and water, allowing us to remove grease from our skin. Define amphipathic, list 4 biologically important amphipathic molecules, and explain why each one is biologically important.

3. Explain the endosymbiotic theory and how endosymbiosis helped complex biological life evolve.

4. Bonus Question- In two paragraphs- answer this question- Does “Organic Food” Matter?