Solution-How does complexity of an ecosystem influence the

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April 14, 2020

Solution-How does complexity of an ecosystem influence the

1.After reading Nordin et al. ((2009) and Williams et al. (2002), how does the complexity of an ecosystem influence the changes (rate, frequency, duration) within a habitat. How might scale (temporal/ spatial) influence ecosystem complexity?

2. Resetarits (1991) highlighted the role of predatory interaction in determining biotic structure. What are the key factors that were discovered, and how might this translate to other environments (i.e. terrestrial, upper canopy, within soil, etc.)?

3. After reading Callaway and Walker (1997) discuss if (and how) competition and facilitation are mutually exclusive or mutually inclusive. Are organisms (or specific types of organisms) more drawn to facilitating behavior or competition? Where do human populations fit in? Explain your answer.