Solution-How did the adaptation of seeds open a new world

Solution-What is the major research questions or goal of
April 24, 2020
Solution-What are the characteristics for the three
April 24, 2020

Solution-How did the adaptation of seeds open a new world

Question 1

Heterozygous refers to an offspring having __________ alleles inherited from the parents.

too many
too few
two different
two identical

Question 2

Mitosis is used by an organism to grow:

Germ cells
Haploid cells
none of these.
Somatic cells.
all of these

Question 3

Haploid cell has _______ of a genome.


Question 4

Diploid Cell has ____________ of a genome.


Question 5

Mendel figured out that all organisms carried _________ for each trait, he called this biologic phenomena an “alleles”.

half copies
four copies
two copies
one copy

Question 6

Cell cycle: _____ sequence of events that describes the stages of a cell’s life from the division of a single parent cell to the production of ______.

orderly : two new cells
random : half the original cell
orderly : one new cell
random : many new cells

Question 7

_________ is uncontrolled cell division.

Binary Fission

Question 8

The DNA base ________ binds with Guanine


Question 9

The DNA base ________ binds with Adenine.


Question 10

Helicase is an enzyme that ______________ the double strands of DNA during replication.

combinescopiesdeletesseperatesnone of theseall of these

Question 11

A _____ is 1 specific nucleic acid that pairs to another specific nucleic acid in Life’s molecular code.

codonbackbonebasenucleic acidnucleotide

Question 12

The ______ is the sugar-phosphate structure to hold Life’s molecular code together.

backbonebasecodonnucleotidenucleic acids

Question 13

________ Speciation is the divergence of a species if no physical barriers are in place to separate individuals from reproducing in the same habitat.


Question 14

Briefly define Punctuated Equilibrium in your own words:

Question 15

________ Speciation involves geographic separation of populations from a parent species.


Question 16

What does Phylogeny and the concept of “shared ancestry” demonstrate as evidence for in Biology?

Question 17

Speciation is the evolutionary process by which reproductively ______ populations evolve to become distinct species.


Question 18

Phylogenetic models or trees classify organisms. The best method is by _______.

DNAembryologycomparative anatomythe fossil record

Question 19

___________ describes the relationship of an organism to other organisms it is thought to have evolved from.


Question 20

Species are natural populations of organisms that ______________.

can interbreed.”All of these”are a singular kind.can not interbreed with organisms outside their own group.”none of these”.

Question 21

Cells are the “basic unit of Life” and ___________ are the basic units of Biodiversity.


Question 22

Briefly define Gradual Speciation in your own words:

Question 23

The phylogenetic classification of Domain represents what in the evolution of Life and the study of Biology?

Question 24

Prokaryotes play a significant role in many inorganic cycles and recycling of _________from the environment that are required for Life.

waterinorganic nutrientsDNAthe 4 macromolecules

Question 25

_______: Microbial communities producing local and global impacts.


Question 26

________ are the essential nutrition and “beginning” of many food webs indirectly or directly.


Question 27

Fungi are phylogenetically “closer” to _______ than _______.

plants : animalsprotists: animalsanimals : plantsplants : protists

Question 28

Fungi represent Life that is closer to multicellular Life than “colonial” or single celled Life because of Fungi’s adaptations and unique organism structure of being spread out mycelium.


Question 29

Fungi have more DNA in common with _______ than plants.

Question 30

Fungi undergo __________ reproduction.


Question 31

All Fungi have a defining cellular structure called _________ that comprise most of the organisms “structure” or “body plan” that is a root like fingers in search for nutrients.

Question 32

____________ is a plant cell wall adaptation to seal water within the organism and prevent desiccation.

PhloemXylemVascular tissueWaxy cuticle

Question 33

_______: plant tissue responsible for the storage and long-distance transport of water and nutrients.

XylemRootsTrue leavesPhloemAll of these

Question 34

_______: is an example of the two types of vascular plant tissue working together to absorb nutrients from the environment.

RootsTrue leavesAll of thesePhloemXylem

Question 35

___________ tissue: Plant structure for holding, transporting water and nutrients against gravity and diffusion.

RootPhloemWaxy CuticleVascular

Question 36

The defining characteristic that is a result of an evolutionary event of plants is the adaptation of a cell to use __________ for metabolism needs. (light, sugar, ATP, All of these)

waterATPall of theselightsugar

Question 37

Spermatophytes: Seeds of plants that are both “_____” and “_____” allowing for a waterless reproductive and dispersal process.

haploid : diploidstamen : carpelmitotic : meioticegg : sperm

Question 38

The _______ is the varied reproductive structure of the flower involved with the coevolution of animals and insects.


Question 39

The _______ is the female reproductive structure of the flower possessing the stigma.


Question 40

______ allow for plants to be free from the need to rely on water for reproduction.


Question 41

_________: plants with “enclosed seeds” that develop inside the plant.


Question 42

The process of DNA replication can be summarized into key steps: List them and/orvery briefly describe the steps in your own words.

Question 43

How did the adaptations of flower strategies like Trickery and Bribery effect the evolution of pollinators? Darwin and Wallace recognized this pattern that reinforced the hypotheses to their theories.

Question 44

What are the three significant descriptors in the classification of what is a Fungus?

Question 45

What are the 3 defining characteristics of plants?

Question 46

How did the adaptation of seeds open a new world to plants?

Question 47

List the 8 hierarchical categories of Taxonomy in order:

Question 48

What are the three outcomes of Genetic drift:

Question 49

What is the purpose of Phylogeny and Taxonomy as the attempt of Science to show the results of Evolution by Natural Selection over time?

Question 50

Explain how chance creates a Population Bottleneck event:

Question 51

Explain the difference between these two observed processes and which is better: Gradual Speciation or Punctuated Equilibrium?