Solution-Effects of urban heat islands on regional

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Solution-Effects of urban heat islands on regional

Question 1: Discuss the effects of urban “heat islands” on regional ecosystems. Include any adiabatic relationships.

Question 2: Read Cowles (1899; see LU 1). Does Cowles view the systems via holism or reductionism? What is the single philosophical concept that emerges from his work? Is his model conceptual, mathematical, or both? Does Cowles include “idealizations” within his presentations?

Cowles, HC. 1899. The ecological relations of the vegetation on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan. Part 1.Geographical relations of the dune floras (with figures 1-26). The Botanical Gazette, Volume 27, pp. 95-117, 167-202, 281-308, 361-391

Question 3: Read Moebius (1877; see LU 1). Does Moebius view the systems via holism or reductionism? What is the single philosophical concept that emerges from his work? Is his model conceptual, mathematical, or both? Does Moebius include “idealizations” within his presentations?

Möbius, Karl. 1877. Die Auster und die Austernwirtschaft. (tr. The Oyster and Oyster Farming) Berlin. (English translation) U.S. Commission Fish and Fisheries Report, 1880: 683-751